Stolo Womens Community BC Canada

We are the Life Givers of our Nation and the weavers of our social fabric. Through our community events, we connect with ourselves, our customs and our ancestors; we celebrate our culture as Stó:lō womxn; and we collaborate with one another to weave a strong social fabric for our Nation through advocacy for positive social change.

About Community Stolo Indigenous Women Group Support
Stolo Womens Group Indigenous Leaders Social Change

Máqwelhót -Leslie Bonshor

Leslie is one of the founding members of Thélá:lexw awtxw and the board’s chairperson. She is from Stó:lō Nation, specifically the Ch’íyáqtel community, as well as the Nooksack Indian Tribe. She is a Grandmother, Mother, Auntie, Sister and friend; she was taught early on that womxn are the heartbeat of our Nation, and the strength of the culture and community. The womxn hold the responsibility to learn and teach the ones that are following in their footsteps. Leslie continues to advocate for Indigenous womxn’s voices to be included in all discussions and decisions that affect our families and communities. She looks for every opportunity to empower and encourage womxn to take their rightful place at the table – while Thélá:lexw awtxw sets our own table to continue the work laid out by the Indian Homemakers Association and the Stó:lō women before us.

Éyem Shxwelí Shlá:lí – Melody Andrews

My parents are the late Audrey Kelly and Roger Andrews both of Shxw’ōwhámél. I am a mother of 5 children a grandmother to one and fostered three children throughout the years. I worked in business administration for 30 years and Indigenous Governance for the past 25 years. My passion is working with Indigenous communities and assisting however I can. I just started working with Thélá:lexw axwt Foundation in July 2024 and I’m very excited to see the work Stó:lō women are about to embark on and develop more connections with the 24 communities and members within Stó:lō territory.

Á’a:líya Warbus

Á’a:líya Warbus is an Indigenous film maker and content creator from the Stó:lō Nation. Her grandparents connect her to the communities of Musqueam, Sumas, Skowlitz, Chehalis and Skowkale First Nation, where she grew up. She operates her own business in media and film called Salish Legends Media. She has 3 children ages 14, 11, and 4 and extensive family relations all throughout Coast Salish Territory. Á’a:líya is thrilled to work with Matriarchs in Stó:lō territory to tap into the innate and powerful knowledge that urgently needs to be recorded and shared, to uplift not only our women but the community as a whole, because women have always been a driving force for all change and governance, it’s time we return to the ways of our ancestors and thrive!