Our Latest Events

A Gathering to Celebrate Our Matriarchs

9:00 am – 3:00 pm

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Thanks again to our hosts Aunty Pat and Aunt Ginny, for having us at the Charlie’s Longhouse, and sharing stories of Dr. Rose Charlie – our dear aunty – who was a pioneer in the movement to bring our voices to the fore front of change!

Sign up to join in this member-only event.

These events are about connection, about preserving and celebrating our culture, about taking care of one another and our community. As weavers, we know that one strand of thread on its own is not as strong as it is when woven together with other strands. We know that a tapestry is made by the weaving of many beautiful threads. In hosting events and workshops for Stó:lō womxn, Thélá:ylexw awtxw Foundation provides opportunities for us Stó:lō womxn to pick up where our Mothers and Grandmother’s left off and weave together the social fabric of our community. We do this by:

  • Connecting with ourselves, each other, and our culture
  • Celebrating our heritage
  • Collaborating on ways to support one another’s endeavours to create positive social change for our Nation and amplifying our collective voice. 

We are excited to have you join us. 

Our events are created based on the self-identified needs and interests of Stó:lō womxn. If you have an idea for an event, or any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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